
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:05:03
a bit和abit of 的区别是什么? 英语作文:给David的一封信要求:向他说说自己的假期 David’s Day 写一篇英语作文提示单词和短语:stay at home ;swimming pool;favourite sport;playground 所有提示词和短语都要用上要求:请用第三人称进行描写,可做适当想象和发挥不少于70个单词 在劲度系数为K的弹簧下端挂一质量为M的物体,物体下有一托盘,用托盘托者物体是弹簧恰好处于原处.然后使托盘以加速度a竖直向下做匀加速直线运动(a<g),试求托盘向下运动多长时间能与 China has a long history and culture.这里的a是修饰什么history还是culture? 例:The clothes are [over there ].they will be [there] to have a party.over there与there有什么不同 轻弹簧劲度系数为k,托盘质量为m,在托盘内放质量为m的物块,将托盘再向下拉,求在放手瞬间托盘对物块的作轻弹簧劲度系数为k,托盘质量为M,在托盘内放质量为m的物块,托盘系统处于静止状态. China has a long history的同意句 over there 与 there区别 初1英语has history he often Chinese连词成句 请问词组“right over has,history,he,often,Chinese(连词成句) they are right over China is a great c()with long history and wonderful culture over there 与 here的区别 英语作文幻想打工经历,70词 为什么世界气候会变暖?为什么? 一个质量为M的物体放在水平面上,物体上方连接一根自然长度为L,劲度系数为k 的轻弹簧,现用手拉着弹簧上端P点缓慢竖直向上提升,直到物体离开地面一定高度,在这一过程中P点的位移是H,则物 一轻质弹簧的劲度系数为k,长度为L,一质量为m的物体从h高处自由下落到竖直放置的弹簧上端并将弹簧压缩,在此过程中,物体动量的最大值的位置距离地面的高度为 A h-L B L C L-(mg/k) D h-L-(mg/k) 连词成句 1 food is babies milk young the for naturl 2 recite our teacher the made chinese poem us中文也要3 sad must job be about she the losinng4 these what he flowers call wonders they5much try possible use as to rhymes as回答后给20钱 My grandma _____ Chinese food _____ Western food.A.would rather;thanB.prefers;thanC.would rather;toD.prefers;to为什么不可以选A 我觉得A也对啊 The building over there is a library,west of which is a department store.的翻译 求翻译:The cinema is west of the park. 电机里与线圈两端相连,而又彼此绝缘的铜半环叫什么 交流耐压时控制箱上显示的电流究竟是什么电流?有时候有几安,是泄露电流吗?泄露电流能这么大吗? 封闭母线交流耐压试验时'测得对地电容很小'''但为什么要求的耐压设备容量大'电流计算公式计算的电流和电压都满足但为什么打不起来 Daming made a model of a chinese spaceship.(改为一般疑问句) sound,a,spaceship,made.the.loud连词成句 1 make we chinese a paper spaceship can 连词成句2 make we chinese a paper spaceship can 3 her could i to talk 4 friend hand put helen's in her water some 5 of was his he proud father 6 yangliwei about spent hours 21 in space 7 his is he song favo 连词成句:comfortable you here conditions the feel make will 连词成句,翻译 today,no,made,feel,classes,having,us,surprised连词成句并翻译 维生素C泡腾片溶于水产生什么气体?为什么?