
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:24:12
What can I do for you?______ I ___ you?.(同义句句型转换) 小学课文五年级地三单元的劝说打架作文怎么写 我的小学班主任.作文 为什么——Why is your brother's English so good?-Because he ()New York for six years.括号中填has been in而不是has been to 英语作文给报社写一封信有关于环境方面的~明天就交了~英语作文给报社写一封信有关于环境方面的,写环境给人有那些危害,我自己的建议. come What can I do for you? 这句话是什么形式?为什么 come in 后面加ofreports are coming in of new massacres by IS. 这句话是什么意思:We come in peace 《you come first in my life》这句话是什么意思? 题为The equality in family communication的英语作文 I have a have a seat 是什么 what can l do for you?(同意句转换)-- -- -- l can do for you what can i do for you?同义句转换怎么样吖? what can i do for you?(改为同义句)what is the price of the dictionary?(改为同义句)Lucy is _____good girl.She often helps others.A.a B.an C.the D./i don‘t think looking after children is just_____work.A.woman B.woman's C.women D.wo company with sb 有这种说法么看到 百度知道上,有人这么写的句子,Thanks for your company with me我觉得不对吧,company 有这样的用么吗?thanks for 记得是可以接名词,但这里 后面加个 with me 不确定是否正确 请问in company with come in有哪些意思?要全 填词:Please put your hand up if you a---- the plan.agreeing好像不太好吧,能写against吗?这里从句意中能判断吗? What can I do for you的同义句 I go to a movie with my friends or my parents 求解释一下打问号部分,怎样等出的? 打问号那一步求解释~ 打问号处的公式是怎么变形来的? 求打问号的判断题解释 那company作为keep sb.n.当中的宾补为毛不能提前?就像刚才问题里提问的 麻烦你了“Thank you for the company you keep me”似乎是没有的,something you offer me就有 为什么我知道没有分你们是不会来的(╯° Please put your things away when the class _____(开始) Whats your position in your class?How do you know that?怎么回答我知道意思,只是该怎么回答啊!班里10名左右,但又不想有具体名次出现 .我不要中文翻译 真空气氛炉通氢气是怎么处理? They not know how to read it 改正错误 疑云顿起如何解释