
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/23 19:43:47
What______would you like to have?A.other B.other else C.else D.anothers 答案和理由都要 宾语从句的时态I thought that 后面是跟现在式还是过去式?若为过去式,情态动词must,can怎么办? I noticed Tom ____ the room yesterday morning.A.cleaning B.clean老师说选A为什么不是选B ___did he clean yesterday afternoon?He just cleaed his room. On his back的同义句on the back of() On his back的同义句onOn his back的同义句on the back of()On his back的同义句on the back of() Sam _____(not clean)his room yesterday用括号内单词正确形式填空 On sunday morning ,he_____(clean) his room on the right of the locker是什么意思 Would you like ( ) No thanks A other something to eat B other anything to eat C something else toeat D anything else drink Would you like something other?No,thanks.哪里错了 高中英语在做选择题怎样判断它是间接引语 一道英语直接引语和间接引语的选择题不知道错在哪里,He asked me ()with me.A.what the matter is B.what the matter wasC.what is the matter D.what was the matter可偶选的是B,不知道错在哪里,偶是这么想的:首先 It was snowing hard,hard是形容词为什么可以修饰snowing这个动词?hardly不是副词吗?怎么hard也是副词呢? 关于英语的间接引语.reported speech.我现在要问所有时态下reported speech (间接引语)的所有时态问句的规则. 幸福的大家庭的英文翻译 Did anybody _____ me when I was away?look after B.ask for C.see off D.hope for为什么选B?理由充分些 关于问路的几个英语问句 三年级寓言故事 宾语从句时态求助宾语从句中主句过去时从句应该也是过去,为什么此处的said后的宾语从句却用现在时?这是VOA中的语句.很多VOA的语句都是这样,不知道要为什么.请强人指点.如:Ms.Clinton said th 求over the rainbow中文歌词 英语翻译somewhere over the rainbow way up highthere's a land that i heard of once in a lullabysomewhere over the rainbow skies are blueand the dreams that you dare to dream really do come truesomeday i wish upon a starand wake up where the clouds over the rainbow几种版本这首歌好多人唱过啊 哪一个版本最好听啊 《over the rainbow》有多少年了 OVER THE RAINBOW怎么样 For The Love 歌词 The Sundays的《Cry》 歌词 The Sundays的《Gone》 歌词 The Sundays的《More》 歌词 The Sundays的《Noise》 歌词 初一年级怎样让孩子写作能力提高? 怎么样可以快速提高成绩?使期末名列前茅? 怎眼有效提高成绩啊?我现在是初一年级76(240人),怎样才能有效提高成绩啊?快速的,