
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 03:06:22
英语翻译•drivers will not wait for you to make reservations when you arrive at the airport. 山字旁可以做名字的字有哪些 山字旁的字有哪些男孩名 帮忙取一个带“山”字或“寒山”的网名要优美一点的 一个名字还有一个孙字后面有一座山还有两个箭头这个成语是什么 If you keep your hand carefully opean and allow it to remain This protects your clothes from food or is used to wipe your hands or mouth when necessary 运动员像什么,向终点跑去 What not only did I say to you Just not only you Between the great things we can not do and the small things we will not do,the danger is that we may do nothing 上面的不全 They can make us____and forget the unhappy things A:relax B:relaxed C:relaxing You're only just a dreamboat什么意思? just only you和only you,应该是哪个? 我是顺丰快递员,因大头笔错标,现在要我写整改报告,我该怎么写?谁能帮我写一篇啊……谢谢了! All the things were about robots.这句怎么提问 They bought all the things that were required for the journey.改写成They bought all the things required for the journey.怎么解释啊?是英语语法中的哪种情况啊? lobster thermidor是什么意思 lobster boil 是什么菜?boil在这里是名词,lobster boil 如何翻译?这是一道西餐菜,翻译成煮龙虾不太合适 simon does well in swimming.(改为同义句) The girl does well in English 急啊,改为同义句```把它改成同义句 simon does well in swimming.(改成同义句)谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 happy前什么介词 一般说It is an accident 还是It was an accident? He's happy to be chosen ______ a chairperson.(用适当的介词或副词填空) an accident on my way to school英语作文 不少于60词 单词拼写 1.the sa____ is kind and she always gives good service dear father likes drinking be_单词拼写 1.the sa____ is kind and she always gives good service dear father likes drinking english teacher is very kind.he alway 优秀的运动员冲向世界用英语怎么说 特别是冲向两个字怎么翻译更生动 Many Chinese families couldn't o___ their children a good education in the past.中间那个空到底填什么啊! be,happy的中文 be keen 后面接的是什么介词? As we know,many children worked for the c_____bosses in the past.