
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:37:17
allow是to do sth还是doing sth?我知道有be allowed to do sthallowing doing sth和allow sb to do sth的区别 “我第一次看的足球赛事是2000年欧洲杯” 英语翻译 我们应该学习黄帝和大禹的哪些优秀品质 黄帝,嫘祖,仓颉,伶伦这4个人物身上有怎样的共同品质值得我们学习 Whose can I be,who can be my的意思? 黄帝有哪些品德 黄帝身上有哪些优良品质 Who can be my overman?成功路上需要别人的关怀和帮助,小弟现在想通过师傅的帮助达到水到渠成的效果,小弟今年升初2,在广东,各科成绩都比较理想,想找几个在数学,英语,有能力者请加Q:343745019, 我想要一句个性签名,能够表达对女友的爱,而且句子里又有这三个字,邱,梓,筠,同音字也可以.可能不懂我的意思,比如就是有人的名字是陈思瑶, 句子就是,早 陈 起来, 思 念的人在 遥 远的远方 欧冠,欧锦赛和欧洲杯的区别 后人对大禹的评价 漂白粉是纯净物还是混合物 漂白粉的混合物成分 Who know my sadness? who can know me When can know my heart是什么意思? 不是说漂白粉是混合物吗?那为什么答案上说它是盐类啊? 下面的广告语对你的学习或做人有什么启示1.我们一直在努力.2.没有最好,只有更好! we had some shoes like those a month ago 翻译明明是一个月前我们有这样的鞋子 为什么用those 不是 these ,这个是新概念英语1册第75课课文原文. We had some shoes like those a month ago.这句话已经用了a month,后面为啥还加ago? we had some shoes as those a month ago.错在哪里 yes,l have some shoes like those.根据答句写问句,提示( )yes,l have some shoes like those.根据答句写问句,提示( )( )your ( )( ) ( )like these? project implementation plan 说法对吗 朝北坐南吃西瓜,皮向东扔;瞻前顾后看<左传>,书向右翻.啥含义! THE BOOK OF LOST BOOKS AN INCOMPLETE HISTORY OF ALL THE GREAT BOOKS YOULL NEVER READ怎么样 the book is the c____ of all the books He likes it a lot,and he calls it Miaomiao.(变同义句) 半夜看左传书往右翻下一句? He likes teaching a lot. He walks a lot.是什么意思?请给一个准确的解释 The book belongs to me .I'm the ____(own)of the books.It will be very _____(help)to read some books about the anmals. 英语翻译“In Qatar,the foreign ministry is Sheikh Hamad's airplane.Here isan institution with diplomats,seasoned diplomats with a heritage ,” he said.第一、airplane是分机的意思,Sheikh Hamad's airplane这是什么意思with a heritage