
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/03 22:49:08
ACM OJ上的题目1013:Counterfeit DollarSJ has a dozen Voyageur silver dollars.However,only eleven of the coins are true silver dollars; one coin is counterfeit .The counterfeit coin has a different weight from the other coins but Sally does not kno 《楚王好细腰》大臣们纷纷减肥的原因是什么?此次减肥的效果如何?从《楚王好细腰》中你有什么启示? 四十道求最大公因数,最小公倍数的题 什么是最小公因数,举道例题 经度是横着的还是竖着的? 经度是竖着的还是横着的?纬度是竖着的还是横着的? 怎么在地图上的位置上判断经纬度(判断经度的时候应该看哪一条线来判断,是横着的,还是竖着的线,应该看经线来判断,还是用纬线来判断经线的度数) 会影响中间的么 神探夏洛克中夏洛克用的滴管的名称应该不是胶头滴管,如果是,哪里有的卖 bbc新拍的神探夏洛克中,夏与华生到底是不是一对啊 #include#include#includeusing namespace std;int main(){char s[1001];while(gets(s)){if(strcmp(s,"zoj")==0||strcmp(s,"zj")==0){cout In a game,Children is requested to take S (1<=S<N) digits from a big number which has N digits (1<N<240),when they have taken all the S digits form the number ,all the digits left should be the most minimum if the order of the digits left is Mike is a middle school teacher.He is teaching mathematics.After each chapter,he always arranges some homework to his students.In this chapter,he will ask his students to calculate the value of some expressions.There are many brackets in these expres 林成语有哪些 林的成语有哪些 若a,b互为倒数,c,d互为相反数,则代数式2分之c+d-ab=______为数a的5倍加上27的数是_______某中学去年消费a万元,今年比去年增长20%,则今年的消费为_____ 如果a与2b互为倒数,-c与d/2互为相反数,丨x丨=3,求代数式2ab-2c+d+x/3的值在10分钟之内打出答案 不然来不及了 我就撤100悬赏分了啊 各位抓紧机会! 12与x的最小公因数和最大公因数的和是42,x是多少是最小公倍数和最大公因数 我国积极推广生态农业有哪些意义 1、街道abc在b处拐弯,已知ab=1625m,bc=1170m,在街道的一侧要等距离安装路灯,要求在abc处,各装一盏路灯,问这个街道最少要安装多少盏路灯?2、小明在除法计算中,用一个数除321余2,除123余3,该数最大 中国生态农业第一村是那 如何看待马克思主义 无用论 和马克思主义 万能论 的观点 有一块平行四边形钢板,底是90cm,底是高的1又1/2倍,做机器零件用去的钢板的3/5,还剩多少平方厘米? 英语翻译Guangzhou enjoys subtropical monsoon weather.As it faces the sea but backs on the mountain,Guangzhou's climate has a characteristic of warm weather and plenty of rainfall,sufficient sunlight and heat.Here summer is long,and frost season i 2(x+y)平方(x-y)-4(x+y)立方 英语翻译Zara’s success offers us all some instructive lessons in how to create and sustain a break through strategy.The striking thing is that Zara has found differences that matter to customers and differentiated itself from its competitors by 314是谁的平方.请迅速回答 杭电1014 英语翻译 马克思是个怎样的人 马克思是哪个国家的人 马克思哲学为什么那么多人有偏见呢?西方哲学 东方哲学 还有马克思哲学 当人提到前两种时候都很正经 为什么提到马克思哲学的时候就会用很轻蔑的反问句呢?