
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 22:18:25
Did you know that the earth is home to millions of animals?.的is home . we know that all plants and animals on the earth need carbon to grow.那个to后面为什么要加原形? Could I watch TV ,Mom? No,you .You must finish your homework first.Could I watch TV ,Mom?No,you( ) .You must finish your homework first.A.mustn’t B.couldn’t C.may not D.needn’t选哪个?我觉得是B,可是我们老师说 --May I watch TV now?--I'm afraid ___.You must finish your homework first.A.not B.you not C.you don't D.you mustn't老师说选D do your homework first and ( )(然后)watch TV 为什么bruno mars这么火? 求Bruno Mars的talking to the moon的中文歌词 求Bruno Mars的Talking to the moon的歌词, talking to the moon-Bruno 求bruno mars - grenade的中英对照歌词. 春秋时期是思想家,百家争鸣的时期.那个人物是儒家的代表人物a,墨子b孔子c韩非d老子 列举孔子老子的主要思想 百家争鸣的主要史实 别复制要历史书上的 春秋战国时期,各种学派纷起,呈现百家争鸣的景象.孔子孟子代表( ),老子庄子代表( )( )代表法家,墨子代表(  ) 以《写给十年后的我》为题目,写一篇作文.用百度嗨发给我.答得好的我另外加分~说“要自己写”的人请自动无视这个问题……最好长一点,但也别太长……五百字左右. 爸爸英文怎么读 dad(爸爸的英语)用英文怎么读? One day, men will______to Mars to have an even ______look at the earth's red neighbor.用close和robot填,怎么变形? 英语翻译if you request a WinSock version later than that which the platform supports这句怎么翻译. 英语翻译1.What does the undedined word "Flame" mean?2.Which Fuwa stands for the Chinese most lovely animal,panda?3.The mascots show the Chinese friendship,peaca and blessings only to the Olmpic Games,don't they? Human being went to the ( )in 1960s A sun B moon C Mars The space shuttles travel fast,____the journey to Mars will probably be very _____.A and ,comfortableB but ,uncomfortableC and,discomfortD but,uncomfortable Can you do your homework()?-yes,Dad A the first B one C first D the one 选哪个 为啥啊 住在宾馆342号房间英文怎么说?要发传真,不知道怎么写是符合老外习惯的?the lady living in the NO.342^是上面那样翻译吗? 为什么孔子的仁爱思想在春秋战国时期不受欢迎 孔子的仁爱思想 孔子“仁爱”思想详细解释 提供一些关于校园广播站文学方面的开播语和结束语我主持的节目叫做《文苑漫步》,在周一中午12.10---12.40,主要是播一些散文的. 大家帮帮忙, 帮我想想开场白和结束语应该怎么写! 先谢谢 你已经在本酒店入住了吗?用英语怎么说 英语翻译I'd like to be a fireman because I want pur out fires Would you like to be frieman? you must finish your homework first.否定句 酒店领位英语如题 我想知道酒店做领位需要知道的一些英语.最好详细一点.顺便告诉我一些服务员所会的英语. you must finish doing your homework first的句子结构A.S+VB.S+V+DOC.S+V+PD.S+V+IO+DOE.S+V+DO+OC为什么是B