请你仔细阅读下面的广告,然后按要求做题Student Wanted for Summer CampBoys and girls(12--16)Are you good with children?Happy Kids Summer CampNeeds help withsport musicEnglishCome and join us!Send your information to 邮箱不能打出

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:02:52
请你仔细阅读下面的广告,然后按要求做题Student Wanted for Summer CampBoys and girls(12--16)Are you good with children?Happy Kids Summer CampNeeds help withsport musicEnglishCome and join us!Send your information to  邮箱不能打出

请你仔细阅读下面的广告,然后按要求做题Student Wanted for Summer CampBoys and girls(12--16)Are you good with children?Happy Kids Summer CampNeeds help withsport musicEnglishCome and join us!Send your information to 邮箱不能打出
Student Wanted for Summer Camp
Boys and girls(12--16)
Are you good with children?
Happy Kids Summer Camp
Needs help with
Come and join us!
Send your information to 邮箱不能打出来,你先随便打你个 我等等改上去
Name Age School Like
Li xiaoling 15 No.13Middle school piaying the guitar,painting,piaynig,piaying the comquter Can
swim,play the violin,speak English

请你仔细阅读下面的广告,然后按要求做题Student Wanted for Summer CampBoys and girls(12--16)Are you good with children?Happy Kids Summer CampNeeds help withsport musicEnglishCome and join us!Send your information to 邮箱不能打出
Dear madam or sir,
My name is Li Xiaoling.I want to join your Summer Camp. I am a 15-year-old student of No. 13 Middle School. I have many hobbies. I like playing the guitar and the violin. I can play the violin well. I also like painting and playing the computer. I often go swimming. I can speak good English. I usually get along well with others. I hope I can join the Summer Camp. I believe we will have a good time.
I am looking forward to your reply.
Li Xiaoling

请你仔细阅读下面的广告,然后按要求做题Student Wanted for Summer CampBoys and girls(12--16)Are you good with children?Happy Kids Summer CampNeeds help withsport musicEnglishCome and join us!Send your information to 邮箱不能打出 请你搜寻艺术方面的文章自主阅读,然后选择你最喜欢的一篇文章,按要求做以下记录:文章篇名.主要内容.我的感受. 15.请你仔细阅读下面的解题过程:请你仿照上面的解题方法,计算…… 广告已经走入我们的生活,好的广告既是一种精神上的陶冶,也是一次现代文化的享受.请你阅读下面的广告词, 仔细观察下面这幅题为《请你再看我一眼》的漫画,按要求完成下列题目描述漫画内容结合漫画标题,写出漫画的寓意 请仔细阅读下面的信息.英文翻译 古今中外讲述生命的文章不计其数,请你自己搜寻有关这方面的文章进行自主阅读,然后选择你最喜欢的一篇文章,按要求做如下记录.篇名:___________________________________________________________________ 看下面的修改病句下面是某旅游公司为出境游写的一则广告,有一些毛病.仔细阅读,然后用规定的符号在原文上直接修改(不得超过5处).(4分)换用号 增补号 删除号 调位号东京拥有历史悠 请你阅读下面的诗句:“栖树一群鸦,鸦树不知数,三只一树栖,五只没去处,五只栖一树,闲了一棵树,请你仔细数,鸦树各几何? 求英语六级仔细阅读做题方法? 写一篇关于母爱的600字作文!仔细阅读下面材料,根据材料内容结合生活生活实际,写一篇作文.材料一:孟郊的《游子吟》.材料二:中央电视台“妈妈洗脚”的广告.要求:1.内容具体,切合实际2 先阅读下面文字,然后按要求解题.例:1+2+3+···+100=?如果一个一个顺次相加显然太烦琐,我们仔细分析这个100个连续自然数的规律和特点,发现运用加法的运算律,可以大大简化计算,提高计算速 一道初二英语作文题,假如你叫李明,你因感到不舒服不能去上学,请你给你的老师写张请假条.要求:仔细阅读病例,将所给信息都用上.60词左右.Problems:发烧,嗓子痛Doctor's advice:一天吃三次药,饭 help!阅读下面短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文! 阅读下面短文,然后根据要求完成短文后面的题目. 下面的阅读题怎么做 八年级语文版第一单元测试题.学完第一单元课文,老师要求任选其中一篇课文,写一篇读后感。下面是一位同学的作文片断,仔细阅读下面这段话,回答后面的问题。通过读刘大杰的《巴东 这是你们学校最近贴出的招聘广告.请你仔细阅读并完成写作要求 Students wanted for Winter Camp Boys and